Your Support Matters

The work of Central Vineyard continues here, near, and far thanks to your gifts.

At Central Vineyard we are "a community of prayer engaging suffering." This is how we understand the unique role of CV in our neighborhood, our city and the wider world. One way you can partner with the work God is doing in and through Central Vineyard is to give financially. The gifts of our congregation fund all of the work we do. From CVKids, to reaching out to our neighborhood, our partners in the City of Columbus and the transformational work we support through Asia's Hope in Cambodia, your financial support empowers the work of God through Central Vineyard. 

In giving, we also see the reality of our lives—everything we have and everything we are—are gifts graciously given by God. We bring these gifts back to God in order that God might transform them and use them for his purposes. We give to learn together how to loosen our grasp on our possessions and learn to freely give as our generous God has given to us.

Set up recurring giving or give one time below: 

Give using our Church App.